PT. Arthavest Tbk

PT. Arthavest Tbk is a business entity that is committed to be an investment company of a highest standard with worldwide international network that understands globalization.

Whistle Blowing System

Any employee who is aware of any violation of the Code of Conduct must report the evidence and information to their supervisor or the designated work unit.

The whistle blowing system includes the following process:

  • Whistleblowers report violations and discuss with supervisor.
  • The Company maintains the confidentiality of the whistleblowers’ identity as well as the content of the reports, and protects the whistleblowers, related parties, and investigators from any retaliatory action.
  • The protection provided by the Company includes legal protection if necessary.
  • The Company will follow up on every reported violation supported by adequate initial evidence.
  • Employees who are found guilty retain their right to explain or defend themselves prior to the imposition of penalty in accordance with the Company’s policy.
  • The penalty is imposed by the Board of Directors by taking into account the proposal from the Head of Internal Affairs (as the coordinator of the investigation) and from the direct supervisor of related employees.

Book of Invesment

Bad Relationship are like a bad invesment, No matter how much you put into it you'll never get anything out of it. Find someone that's worth investing in.