PT. Arthavest Tbk

PT. Arthavest Tbk is a business entity that is committed to be an investment company of a highest standard with worldwide international network that understands globalization.

The Internal Audit

The Internal Audit Unit was established with the aim to provide professional, independent and objective opinion to the President Director on the activities and operations of the Company. Pursuant to the Decree of Chairman of the Capital Market Supervisory Agency and Financial Institution No. KEP-496/BL/2008 dated November 28th, 2008, on the Establishment and Guidelines for Internal Audit Charter, the Company has established its Internal Audit Unit and Internal Audit Charter as the Guideline for Internal Audit.

Christina Natalia

Head of Internal Audit

Indonesian citizen, 34 years old, born in Jakarta in 1989. she earned a Bachelor in Accounting from Tarumanagara University in 2011 and a Masterin Accounting from Tarumanagara University in 2018.

She has more than 7 years experience as auditor at KAP. RSM Indonesia with last position as Assistant Manager.

She was appointed as Head of Internal Audit since february 2020.

Basis of Appointment : Directorial Order No.001/AV/II/2020-DIR

The Internal Audit can be seen in this link : Internal Audit PT Arthavest Tbk

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